By Jack OdinSky-Od
Saturday, June 26, 2010
There are three lanes on the Mental-Highway-Energy System of Your Life; that you are always traveling on every moment of every day of Your Life; and you are probable not aware of, and never give it any thought. That’s just it, where are your thoughts? You say in your head. But, where in your Head are they? In your Brain. Well, let’s take a look at what’s in your Brain. The dictionary describes the Human Brain as: an organ of soft nervous tissue contained in the skull of vertebrates, functioning as the coordinating center of sensation and intellectual and nervous activity.The human brain consists of three main parts. (i) The forebrain, greatly developed into the cerebrum, consists of two hemispheres joined by a bridge of nerve fibers, and is responsible for thought and control of speech. (ii) The midbrain, the upper part of the tapering brainstem, contains cells involved in eye movements. (iii) The hindbrain, the lower part of the brainstem, contains cells responsible for breathing and for regulating heart action, the flow of digestive juices, and other unconscious actions and processes. The cerebellum, which lies behind the brain stem, plays an important role in the execution of highly skilled movements.
Well, it’s mainly a massive bundle of nerves. What are nerves: The dictionary describes nerves as: (in the body) a whitish fiber or bundle of fibers that transmits impulses of sensation to the brain or spinal cord, and impulses from these to the muscles and organs : the optic nerve; the key words here are transmits impulses; and impulses are described as; a pulse of electrical energy; a brief current : nerve impulses.
We now k/Now that all in/Form/ation within our bodies are transmitted between systems, organs, and cells by electrical impulses. Therefore, your Thoughts are a Form of electrical impulses; and we k/Now that your brain is divided into three main parts: 1. The forebrain, greatly developed into the cerebrum, consists of two hemispheres joined by a bridge of nerve fibers, and is responsible for thought and control of speech. 2. The midbrain, the upper part of the tapering brainstem, contains cells involved in eye movements. 3. The hindbrain, the lower part of the brainstem, contains cells responsible for breathing and for regulating heart action, the flow of digestive juices, and other unconscious actions and processes. The cerebellum, which lies behind the brain stem, plays an important role in the execution of highly skilled movements.
Now let's get a definition of Mental that we can agree on for our discussion. The dictionary describes Mental as: of or relating to the mind: mental faculties | mental phenomena.• carried out by or taking place in the mind : a quick mental calculation | I started mental journey.
Now let's get a definition of Highway that we can agree on for our discussion. The dictionary describes Highway as: a main road, esp. one connecting major towns or cities : a six-lane highway | figurative the highway to success.
• another term for expressway .
• (chiefly in official use) a public road.
• Computing a pathway connecting parts of one computer system or between different systems.
To understand why I have chosen a Highway System as an analogy for your Mental System can be understood now; but let me put it all together so it will be easy for you to follow in our discussion:
Your Life is determined by your Thoughts. Your Thoughts are a type of Electrical impulses; those impulses carry in/Form/ation through the three parts of your Brain, or the three Lanes of the Mental Highway-Energy System of Your Life.
Your Mental-Highway-Energy System connects the major parts of your Brain, and connects all of your Body Systems, Organs, and Cells together by Electrical Impulses.
Psychologist commonly use three terms to describe our states of Consciousness: 1. Conscious 2. Subconscious 3. Superconscious.
For our discussion lets see how the dictionary describes Consciousness: the state of being awake and aware of one's surroundings; the awareness or perception of something by a person: her acute consciousness of Mike's presence.
the fact of awareness by the mind of itself and the world: consciousness emerges from the operations of the brain.
For our discussion I will name the Three Lanes of Your Mental-Highway-Energy System as:
1. Conscious-Mind Lane: In this lane Only Thoughts can travel.
2. Subconscious-Mind Lane: in this Lane Thoughts and Feelings can travel.
3. Superconscious-Mind Lane: in this Lane Only Feelings can travel.
Your Mental-Highway is a very busy Highway; the average person processes 65,000.00 Thoughts per day, and there is no in/Form/ation on how many Feelings are Processed per day.
The Mental-Highway-Energy System Of Your Life is:
1. Where you reside; where your identity of who you are is kept (without thoughts would you k/Now who you are?), and where all your secrets are stored.
2. Where you live, and conduct Your Life; your dreams, desires, fantasies, future plans, and your decisions before you act on some thought.
3. Where you experience Your Life’s Emotions, and Feelings: love, hate, anger, apprehension, frustration, pain, and Fear.
4. Where you experience sexual pleasures, religious and or spiritual experiences.
The Mental-Highway-Energy System of Your Life is where your life is happening.
The purpose of this discussion is to provide as much in/Form/ation as my research has revealed over the past twenty years; and to stimulate, and provoke your deliberation on this much neglected, yet, profound topic.
This topic is rarely discussed, except by people who have some mental disorder, and the Mental Health Professionals that treat them, but, it is rarely discussed in a meaningful way by ordinary people; it may be that it is of the Invisible World, that is your Mind, your Thoughts they are never in your face, you never see them, yet, they are always with you. You ask What’s there to discuss, or deliberate?
Let’s continue a see if we can answer that question.
What do we k/Now about this Invisible World we live in? This Unseen World contains some very familiar things, such as; Gravity, Thoughts, Energy, Sound, Light, Microwaves (Wireless Cell phones, Microwave Ovens), Microbes, and of course, we are constantly bathed in Air, which is invisible to us, yet contains oxygen, nitrogen,and other invisible molecules. We live in Daylight, which is invisible photons, Holophoton-Energy particles that provide the Light-Energy, which we use to see our world. We surely take all these invisible things for granted since they are always in our environment. Do you realize that we can never be without these invisible molecules and Energy Particles, for our lives depend on them. We must conclude now that we Live in two Worlds; the Physical World of Forms, and Space, and the Invisible World of Thoughts, Energy, Light, and Sound.
We all know that everything in creation is an Energy Form, that is, it must have an Energy source to exist … that includes you and me, and everything we posses, or know in the Physical World of Forms, and Space.
To better understand how Mind, and Thoughts are Energy Forms I will use the metaphor of a highway system that we are all familiar with; but this system is strictly an Invisible Mental Highway System; since, Mind and Thoughts are part of the Invisible World we live in. In this highway system we use vibrating-frequencies instead of speed limits for different lanes, therefore, if you want to travel in a specific lane you have to be at the vibrating-frequency of that lane. We also use the term Energy Form to describe the invisible entities that use this system; and each Energy Form is a unit of in/Form/ation. I have chosen to write in/Form/ation this way to show how our words contain clues to the truth, note that information contains the root Form suggesting that k/Now/ledge is in a Form, an Energy Form. Therefore, Thoughts, Intuitions, k/Now/ings, and Feelings are all Energy Forms, and are the travelers on this Mental-Highway-Energy System. We also use the Chakra Energy System, this system has its meaning derived from many ancient traditions that explain how we Humans receive Energy by way of the Eight Energy Portal into our bodies.
If it seem confusing at first, stay with it, and it will become clearer, and more familiar as you take this journey with me, and we travel in the different lanes on the Mental-Highway-Energy System. It also offers us a opportunity to understand something that we all have ideas about, and think we know well, but, we don’t know at all. That is, Mind, which is the Mental-Highway-Energy System with different Lanes for Energy-Forms of different Vibrating-Frequencies to travel on; such as k/Now/ing-Energy Forms, MySoul-Feeling-Energy Forms, Intuition-Energy Forms, which travel at different Vibrating-Frequencies than Thought-Energy Forms, all are Forms, or in/Form/ation.
The three Lanes in the Mental Highway-Energy System are called; the Conscious-Mind Lane, the Subconscious-Mind Lane, and the Superconscious-Mind Lane. The lower Vibrating-Frequencies travel the fastest, and in fact, are instantaneous, momentaneous, in the Superconscious-Mind Lane, for those Frequencies do not require the Brain, nor Thoughts, and are Absolute-Energy, that flows through the Chakra-Energy System and are used by the physical body. The Superconscious-Mind Lane Vibrating-Frequency is immediately transmitted by the Chakra-Energy System, and the Sensory Organs as Feeling-Energy Forms in the body that relay in/Form/ation to The Subconscious-Mind Lane, as Feeling-Energy Forms, which Now, trans/Form/s these Forms (MySoul-Feeling-Energy Forms), into Intuition-Energy Forms, and then into Thought-Energy Forms, all are in/Form/ation.
Mind is a Vibrating-Frequency-Energy Grid that exists independent of any, and all Human Brains. It is like the National Electric Grid, which carries electricity to every building, in every town, in every city, in every state in the USA, it is independent of each building which has its own Brain (receiving electric meter panel) which Now directs the individual usage of that electricity; and the Human Brain Now directs individual usage of Vibrating-Frequency-Energy Forms on The Mental-Highway-Energy System.
Vibrating-Frequency-Thought-Energy Forms are where the physical world begins; for Vibrating-Frequency-Thought-Energy allows distinction, and definition of Energy into other Forms of in/Form/ation. Thought-Forms are projected from Mind to Form the Physical World of Forms, and Space. Since all Human Beings share all the same Vibrating-Frequencies of Mind; we shall call The Human part of Universal Mind, the Homo Sapien Vibrating-Frequency Mind, which is the spectrum of all possible Vibrating-Frequency Energy-Forms, and all possible in/Form/ation for Human Beings.
This is The Mental-Highway-Energy System of Your Life. This is Where You Create, Maintain, Change, and Live Your Life.
Copyright 1997-2010, Jack OdinSky-Od, a/k/a Jack OdinSky. All rights reserved.
This is The Mental-Highway-Energy System of Your Life. This is Where You Create, Maintain, Change, and Live Your Life.
Copyright 1997-2010, Jack OdinSky-Od, a/k/a Jack OdinSky. All rights reserved.
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