Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Thanksgiving Blessings
Thanksgiving Blessings:Thursday, November 24, 2011
Dear Reader;
I join you, your Family, and loved ones in Giving Thanks:
For: Our Good Health, which no amount of money can buy, and
no matter our state of health, their are those less fortunate.
no matter our state of health, their are those less fortunate.
For: The Family, Friends, Coworkers, Strangers, and Pets that
we share this lifetime with; who challenge us, confront us, conflict us, and comfort us, so that we may learn what Love is, and how to
Forgive; the two greatest virtues of God.
we share this lifetime with; who challenge us, confront us, conflict us, and comfort us, so that we may learn what Love is, and how to
Forgive; the two greatest virtues of God.
For: The Abundance of Air, Water, Sunshine (an unlimited source
of Energy), and the Food that sustains us all; thank you Mother Earth, and Mother Nature, without your goodness our lives, the lives of our loved ones, and all life would not survive. God Creates Abundance, man creates scarcity, so that he may profit unfairly from it.
of Energy), and the Food that sustains us all; thank you Mother Earth, and Mother Nature, without your goodness our lives, the lives of our loved ones, and all life would not survive. God Creates Abundance, man creates scarcity, so that he may profit unfairly from it.
For: The challenges we all face in our lives especially in this
New Aquarian Era where the challenges are occurring at an
accelerated pace, and will be more intense, more shocking, and
eventually more rewarding; some Challenges we will face together,
some are the ones we present to each other, some we must face
alone; the ones we must face alone teach us to go within ourselves,
and to discover we are never alone, for there is within each of us a
Godly Soul, the Spirit, and Essences of Our Creator, sitting in Our
Heart (the very same place our Love comes from); it has been there
since our birth; offering, but never insisting on, guiding our life
toward Health, Happiness, Prosperity, and a Loving Life; if you have
not been challenged yet in deep aloneness, and to go within, when it
happens do not be afraid, go with it, all the way; it is in that moment
of deep aloneness that one realizes their ignorances, and their
stupidity in not paying attention to, in not following those inner
feelings, those heartfelt feelings, those gut feelings, those precious
intuitions being offered to us daily from our Godly Soul. The most
widely known secret among Humanity is that we are Soul Beings, as
well as Human Beings.
New Aquarian Era where the challenges are occurring at an
accelerated pace, and will be more intense, more shocking, and
eventually more rewarding; some Challenges we will face together,
some are the ones we present to each other, some we must face
alone; the ones we must face alone teach us to go within ourselves,
and to discover we are never alone, for there is within each of us a
Godly Soul, the Spirit, and Essences of Our Creator, sitting in Our
Heart (the very same place our Love comes from); it has been there
since our birth; offering, but never insisting on, guiding our life
toward Health, Happiness, Prosperity, and a Loving Life; if you have
not been challenged yet in deep aloneness, and to go within, when it
happens do not be afraid, go with it, all the way; it is in that moment
of deep aloneness that one realizes their ignorances, and their
stupidity in not paying attention to, in not following those inner
feelings, those heartfelt feelings, those gut feelings, those precious
intuitions being offered to us daily from our Godly Soul. The most
widely known secret among Humanity is that we are Soul Beings, as
well as Human Beings.
For; understanding that In a society where Money is given the
highest status, and it is how we often measure another persons value; isn’t it ironic that the two Greatest Blessings we all hold most dearest, and most highest in our lives is “Good Health,” and “Love at Our Soul Level of Being”; neither of which can be bought nor valued in dollars.
highest status, and it is how we often measure another persons value; isn’t it ironic that the two Greatest Blessings we all hold most dearest, and most highest in our lives is “Good Health,” and “Love at Our Soul Level of Being”; neither of which can be bought nor valued in dollars.
For; allowing me to join you, your family, and loved ones in
Giving Thanks to God; we may have different ways of praying,
different houses of worship, rituals, and beliefs about the path to
God; but I know this absolutely, that all paths lead to One God, One
Creator, One People, One Love, and One Life that each us share with
one another.
Giving Thanks to God; we may have different ways of praying,
different houses of worship, rituals, and beliefs about the path to
God; but I know this absolutely, that all paths lead to One God, One
Creator, One People, One Love, and One Life that each us share with
one another.
For; sharing this lifetime with you, for all the challenges we
share, for the lessons we teach each other, but most of all for the
Love we all share together, realized or unrealized.
share, for the lessons we teach each other, but most of all for the
Love we all share together, realized or unrealized.
For: Understanding that when we express our Love Freely, Truly,
and Unconditionally without restrictions or conditions, and without
fearing we may be hurt if that Love is not returned; if we do not expect or want anything from the receiver of our Love, we can never be hurt; instead we will receive, and experience True Happiness. And, for understanding that when we Forgive; and only we know whom we need to ask for, or give Forgiveness to, be they Family, Friend or Foe, living or deceased, close or far away; Forgiveness is an act of Love, it frees our Heart to Love more, and to receive more Love; to bathe in the Joy, Health, and Happiness that we will immediately receive, and experience, when we Forgive someone.
and Unconditionally without restrictions or conditions, and without
fearing we may be hurt if that Love is not returned; if we do not expect or want anything from the receiver of our Love, we can never be hurt; instead we will receive, and experience True Happiness. And, for understanding that when we Forgive; and only we know whom we need to ask for, or give Forgiveness to, be they Family, Friend or Foe, living or deceased, close or far away; Forgiveness is an act of Love, it frees our Heart to Love more, and to receive more Love; to bathe in the Joy, Health, and Happiness that we will immediately receive, and experience, when we Forgive someone.
For; Understanding that to learn to Love, Freely, Truly, and
Unconditionally is one of our Greatest challenges; Love is so
complex; we Love ourselves, we Love God; we Love music, art, and
literature; we Love intimately, we Love romantically, we Love
physically; we Love at a distance, and vicariously; we Love family,
friends, and strangers; we Love our pets; we Love our job, our car,
our computer; we Love food; we Love Money; we Love a beautiful
day; ... all this we call Love. What do they all have in common? They
all give us something we need, want, or desire; thus, Love is an act of giving to, or receiving from another, something that they or we need, want, or desire, Freely, Truly, and Unconditionally. That something is physical, emotional, and / or metaphysical; such as a Soulmate; where we share our Soul with another, our union with that person, or animal is so deep, it is at another level, the Soul level of Being.
Unconditionally is one of our Greatest challenges; Love is so
complex; we Love ourselves, we Love God; we Love music, art, and
literature; we Love intimately, we Love romantically, we Love
physically; we Love at a distance, and vicariously; we Love family,
friends, and strangers; we Love our pets; we Love our job, our car,
our computer; we Love food; we Love Money; we Love a beautiful
day; ... all this we call Love. What do they all have in common? They
all give us something we need, want, or desire; thus, Love is an act of giving to, or receiving from another, something that they or we need, want, or desire, Freely, Truly, and Unconditionally. That something is physical, emotional, and / or metaphysical; such as a Soulmate; where we share our Soul with another, our union with that person, or animal is so deep, it is at another level, the Soul level of Being.
For; understanding that Love is God’s first lesson for
Happiness; it is God’s greatest virtue; to embrace, and live this virtue in our daily lives as God does, is to Love Freely, Truly, and
Unconditionally, and to express the Highest Aspect, and most Godly
Aspect of our Being. Each one of us is a unique, one of a kind entity
in this Creation, therefore, we may not experience Love, or Happiness in the same way, one person’s Happiness or Love may not be another person’s Happiness or Love; this is part of its complexity. However, to the extent that we can share, and express Love in our lives is proportionate to the Happiness we will experience in our lives. We know this is true from our own experiences; when we have given or received Love, we have also felt the happiness for giving or receiving that Love; Isn’t that True? To Love, and Be Loved is One of God’s Greatest Blessings; what would our life be like without any Love? The Love in our lives, especially that of another Human Being, is what we need to be Most Thankful For.
Happiness; it is God’s greatest virtue; to embrace, and live this virtue in our daily lives as God does, is to Love Freely, Truly, and
Unconditionally, and to express the Highest Aspect, and most Godly
Aspect of our Being. Each one of us is a unique, one of a kind entity
in this Creation, therefore, we may not experience Love, or Happiness in the same way, one person’s Happiness or Love may not be another person’s Happiness or Love; this is part of its complexity. However, to the extent that we can share, and express Love in our lives is proportionate to the Happiness we will experience in our lives. We know this is true from our own experiences; when we have given or received Love, we have also felt the happiness for giving or receiving that Love; Isn’t that True? To Love, and Be Loved is One of God’s Greatest Blessings; what would our life be like without any Love? The Love in our lives, especially that of another Human Being, is what we need to be Most Thankful For.
For; understanding that all of life can be reduced to Love - we
need to ask ourselves about all the somethings in our life that have
made us happy; getting new cloths, going to school, learning
something that amazed us, our Mom’s and Dad’s hugs, kisses, and
gifts, receiving money, our girlfriend or boyfriend, our wife, husband, and children, a friend, a new job, a new car, a new home, a new computer, etc. etc.; all that happiness in our lives was, and is, the results of giving, and receiving Love; that is, they all represent that something in our life, that satisfied our need, want, or desire;
physically, emotionally, and or metaphysically; so Life is Love; Every thing we do in life is to give or receive Love; knowing this allows us to live a more enriched, meaningful, purposeful, and fulfilling life; When We Give Love to Whatever We Do, We Get Happiness From Whatever Love We Give, Understanding this is God’s Gift to us, Living it daily is God’s greatest blessing to us . . . Thank You God.
need to ask ourselves about all the somethings in our life that have
made us happy; getting new cloths, going to school, learning
something that amazed us, our Mom’s and Dad’s hugs, kisses, and
gifts, receiving money, our girlfriend or boyfriend, our wife, husband, and children, a friend, a new job, a new car, a new home, a new computer, etc. etc.; all that happiness in our lives was, and is, the results of giving, and receiving Love; that is, they all represent that something in our life, that satisfied our need, want, or desire;
physically, emotionally, and or metaphysically; so Life is Love; Every thing we do in life is to give or receive Love; knowing this allows us to live a more enriched, meaningful, purposeful, and fulfilling life; When We Give Love to Whatever We Do, We Get Happiness From Whatever Love We Give, Understanding this is God’s Gift to us, Living it daily is God’s greatest blessing to us . . . Thank You God.
I Love You All; I am Honored, and Very Thankful that we have been
connected in this lifetime, although I believe we have been together in previous lifetimes, and probably will be together in future lifetimes. Whether we realize or not, we have helped each other learn the lessons of Love, and Forgiveness; to the degree that we have allowed ourselves to Forgive, and Love Freely, Truly, and Unconditionally, we have experienced True Happiness together . . .That is Thanksgiving.
connected in this lifetime, although I believe we have been together in previous lifetimes, and probably will be together in future lifetimes. Whether we realize or not, we have helped each other learn the lessons of Love, and Forgiveness; to the degree that we have allowed ourselves to Forgive, and Love Freely, Truly, and Unconditionally, we have experienced True Happiness together . . .That is Thanksgiving.
As you are completing this reading, I hope you are feeling the Love I
am giving you, and the Happiness we are sharing at this moment ...
Freely, Truly, and Unconditionally . . . Jack
am giving you, and the Happiness we are sharing at this moment ...
Freely, Truly, and Unconditionally . . . Jack
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