Saturday, June 22, 2013

Holophotons- God Particles- The Stem-Cells of Creation ...

Friday, July 2, 2010

Holophotons- God Particles- The Stem-Cells of Creation ...

By: Jack OdinSky-Od 
January 13, 2000

     Is There a Theory of Everything that can support Holophotons- God Particles, as The Stem-Cells of Creation? 
      The purpose of this essay is to initiate, and perpetuate a serious discussion of a perplexing, yet, a fascinating, and demanding subject: Is there a unifying substance, energy, or essence in everything in creation that is shared by all of creation; and, without this unifying essence, creation would not exist?
Is there, in fact, a Unified Field of Everything, the essence of which is all of Creation, and all that exists within it? In other words, is there ONE thing that we all share, all humans, all animals, all minerals, all plants, all planets, all stars, all galaxies, all universes, all space, and therefore, all ofCreation?
     I will begin by stating the OdinSky-Od's Unified Field of Everything Theory:

     1. The substance, energy, and essence that exists within all matter, within all space throughout Creation, and is absolutely essential for its existence, is a Holophoton.
     2. A Holophoton is the most basic, elemental substance of Creation, and cannot be reduced into a more basic form, but forms the essences of all known, and unknown particles, atoms, molecules, and "empty space" that makes up the universe we know, and all of Creation known, and unknown, visible, and invisible. An essential aspect of the Holophoton isEnergy; and Energy is an essential aspect of all CreationEnergy can only exist as an aspect of Holophotons. and is required for the HoloPhotons to vibrate. Black Holes, are the Energy of Non-Vibrating- Holophoton Particles, nothing exists in Black Holes but The Stem-Cells of Creation, these Non-Vibrating Holophoton Particles (God Particles)(, and when these Particles start to vibrate The Visible-Invisible-Light-Energy, the energy of Vibrating-Wave-Holophotons are Formed.
    3. The properties of a Holophoton are: invisible to the human eye, massless, travels in vacuum at speed of light, has an energy of 4 x10-19 joules for visible light, cannot be destroyed nor created, but may be transformed into other particles and energy forms, exists as a particle and a wave, can carry momentum and has a polarization, responsible for producing all electric and magnetic fields, is naturally be transformed into electrons, is the essence of visible light, has various vibrations and various frequencies when in the wave phase. Holophotons are whole, and complete entities as particles, and are the basis of all holograms.
     4. In its wave phase a Holophoton is a Vibrating-Frequency-Holophoton, and depending on its vibrating frequency, it is creating subatomic particles, and atoms; and depending on their vibrating frequencies, they are creating molecules, which are creating matter, and The Physical World  of Forms and Space we live in; all are holograms.
     5. Holophotons (God Particles) in their particle phase are the Stem-Cells that form the body of CreationThe Stem- Cells of Creation. They do not have motion, they are stationary and fixed in space, but support motion by their vibrating frequency and energy. From these vibrating Stem-Cells (Vibrating-Holophotons) come all Light, all Sound, all Matter, all Forms of Life, and all of Creation.
     6. The Physical World with its Trillions of Forms has Trillions of vibrating-frequencies representing each Form; however, at the very essence of each of these Forms are vibrating Holophotons with fewer vibrational frequencies. As the Form becomes more complex, that is Holophotons to atoms to molecules, to cells, plants, microbes, insects, animals, minerals, Humans, Planets, etc. The more vibrational-frequencies are required to create that Form; and as the Form become simpler the fewer vibrational frequencies are required until there are no vibrations, and the Holophotons are non-vibrating particles in Black Holes, The Stem-Cells of Creation, and the Cells of The Body of The Creator.
     7. When it is said Mars or Jupiter is "X-light years" away; what is really meant is that Mars or Jupiter is "X- Wavelengths" away. As we have learned to tune into the different Wavelengths of frequencies for our favorite TV shows, we will learn how to tune in (travel) to our favorite planets. Pick a Wavelength, and ride it to where you want to be.
     8. The Unified Field of Everything is the Body of CreationThe Unifier is the Holophoton (God Particle). The Theory is that the essence, the elemental entity of Creation, and all that is of it, all that is within it, all share, and cannot exist without, The Stem-Cell of Creation, the Holophoton. From the Greek Holo = whole, Photon = light. Holophoton = Whole Light.
     9. There are as many dimensions to our Universe, to our Creation, as there are wavelengths of Vibrating-Frequencies of Holophotons. Dimensions of Forms are a product of the wavelength of the Vibrating-Frequency Holophotons that created that Form. The most important dimension is the invisible dimension of Thoughts, the dimension ofMind, the dimension of Holophotons.
     10. The empty space between Holophotons in Our Universe, theCreation is the same empty space between the cells in a Human Body. AllHolophotons whether as particle (God Particle) or wave are whole, and complete. They are not dependent for their existence on any other entity and my transform into or exist as any Energy-Form, visible or invisible that can potentially exist or does exist in Creation.
     11. All Holophotons, and all Energy-Forms display motion, or movement in the same manner that a series of light bulbs do that are sequentially lighting. That is to say, when traveling from point A to point B it appears as a single bulb is moving; when in fact, there are several stationary bulbs sequentially lighting, which gives the appearance of movement. All Energy-Forms in Creation including Human Beings actually travel on a sequential wavelength of Vibrating-Frequency-Holophotons, which give the appearance we have gone from point A (New York) to Point B (Washington), when in fact, our wavelength of specific Vibrating-Frequency Holophotons are sequentially activating other Holophotons along the wavelength from point A (New York) to point B (Washington) no matter what Energy-Form (Car, Train, Bus) we choose to ride in. We must remember that Our Universe, and the Creation is a Body of Particles (non-vibrating), and wave (vibrating) Holophotons, all are stationary in space, they support momentum, but do not move.
     12. Holophotons are the basis for the science of Holography. This science is devoted to using light (Vibrating-Frequency-Holophotons) for producing holograms, a three dimensional photograph. According to Wikipedia; “ the technique of holography can also be used to optically store, retrieve, and process information.” We need to consider Holophotons as whole, and complete entities of the Body ofCreation; and contains all the information of Creation, all the Natural Laws, which govern its existence, as it creates all the Energy-Forms of Our Universe, and of Creation. This is not hard to understand, and is supported by the science of Holography. Another way of understanding this is to consider what Thoughts do; Thoughts carry information to, from, and within Our Brain; and Thoughts can do this because they are specific Vibrating-Frequency-Holophotons.
     13. Scientist have recently discovered that all cells, all tissues, and all organs of the Human Body start out as, and are created by Stem-Cells, which contain the necessary information to create any cell within the Human Body. What they haven’t discovered yet is that all Stem-Cells start out as, and are created by specific Vibrating-Frequency-Holophotons, which contain all the necessary information to create anyEnergy-Form within CreationSince each Holophoton(God Particle) contains within it all the information of the entire Creation. This is The OdinSky-Od's Theory of The Unified Field of Everything 
Copyright 2000-2010, Jack OdinSky-Od, a/k/a Jack OdinSky. All rights reserved.

I like to share with you My Zen Poem;

The Me That I, Call I . . .

Beautiful Body, how did you come to Be?
They say; an Egg took a Sperm, and 9 months to the day, The Me, that I, Call I, came to Be.

How did an Egg and a Sperm become the trillions of cells that make skin, bones, heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, spleen; and each cell having a special purpose and function for The Me, That I, Call I?

How did the trillions of cells, that each call themselves, I, come to Be? Trillions of Molecules that call themselves, I, came together; and trillions of Atoms each calling themselves, I, came together; but wait a minute said the Protons and the Perpetual Dancing Electrons; you would never Be, if not for Me; and where does those Perpetual Dancing Electrons get all that Energy, to Perpetually be Dancing?

They say Electrons are like Caterpillars and Butterflies; Perpetual Dancing Electrons become Photons, as Caterpillars become Butterflies, and Photons become Perpetual Dancing Electrons, as Butterflies become Caterpillars . . .  Photons? You mean Light?

How amazing is that for the Egg and the Sperm that became The Me,That I, Call I.

Looking in the mirror I do not see the Trillions of Perpetual Dancing Electrons, that are the Trillions of Atoms, that are the Trillions of Molecules, that are the Trillions of Cells, that are the skin, bones, heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, spleen; I only see the Form that came from the Egg that took a Sperm and 9 months to the day, The Me, That I, Call I, came to Be, that’s all I see: yet, for sure all are here with Me that I can not see . . .

 Where Does that Energy Come From that Keeps
my Trillions of Electrons Perpetually Dancing, and morphing into Photons, the Light of Me? That’s The Real Mystery that makes Me, The I, that I will eventually come to Be . . .

 Keep Your Attention Within Your Heart, and You Will Surely Be, Who You Truly Are, but cannot see.

Jack OdinSky-Od

Monday, November 19, 2012

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

To All Citizens of Planet Earth:

By: Jack OdinSky-Od

Questions, Concerns, Comments:


Post Hurricane Sandy; an Unprecedented, Record Breaking, Super-storm of the Century; as it is being described in the news media; and with all the news about it asking what can be done to protect the infrastructure of the city, what technology can we use to reduce the damage and destruction of Natural Disasters?

That my fellow Citizens of Earth is the Wrong question; the correct inquiry is, what are the causes that precipitate these disasters, and can we Humans do anything to reduce or eliminate these causes, and reduce and eliminate their consequences?

I shall try to give a rational answer to this question and hope those reading this essay will be awakened to the reality of The Living Ecosystem of Planet Earth, and all Life in, and on Earth; including we Human Beings.

When I use the term Ignorant Human (Being) I am referring to all Human Beings on Planet Earth that are in denial of their relationship, and interdependence, and their very existence on Mother Earth and its well being. There are many who understand this and have been for years trying to influence the powers that be to change ... but they are too few, and not united to be a meaningful force for change. When I use capital letters it is to get your attention and to communicate the urgency I feel for this matter. 

Please understand this:
The Body of Earth is a Living Being, and is very much like Your Body, so try and relate to this information in terms of Your Own Body; it has an external covering of Rock, Soil, and Water, and internal organs; its core, plates, and Blood (hydraulic fluid, we Humans call fossil fuel); yes, this is an oversimplification of the Body of Earth, but enough for trying to understand its Ecosystem, and our relationship and interdependence on it.

Ecosystems are concerned with the relation of living organism to one another and their physical surroundings; they are a biological community of interacting organisms and the physical environment.

The purpose of an Ecosystem is to provide the optimum conditions for its inhabitants to sustain and maintain their life, and Self-Development; and the Living Ecosystem of Mother Earth (yes, Mother Earth refers to Earth’s Mothering ability to nourish and sustain Life) is a mosaic of diversity we Humans are an integral part of; yet, we seem to be completely ignorant of our life support and vital dependence on the trillions of life forms such as viruses, bacteria, insects, plants, animals and Earth itself that are absolutely necessary for our very existence as Human Beings.

Weather, the common term used by we Humans in describing the inconveniences it might pose to our daily activities. However, Weather (the state of the atmosphere at a place and time as regards to heat, dryness, sunshine, wind, rain, etc.) is a vital part of our Ecosystem; and comes under the domain we affectionately call Mother Nature; Mother Nature’s Mandate by the Creator is to sustain and maintain the Life of Planet Earth and all Life in, and on Earth, including the Life of Human Beings. Mother Nature controls the Wind, Precipitation, Pressure, Clouds, etc.;Volcanic Eruptions, Hurricanes, Earthquakes, Tornadoes, Blizzards, Floods, and all those devastating Natural Disasters we Ignorant Humans endure.

What we Ignorant Humans do not understand is that Mother Nature is manifesting and controlling these Disasters only to the extent necessary to rebalance and reestablish the necessary, and optimum conditions for Mother Earth and all Life in, and on Earth, including we Human Beings; so that we may survive the destruction and pollution we are perpetrating upon Mother Earth; the Air, Water, and Soil are on the verge of ultimate collapse, and unable to support any Life; we are literally killing Mother Earth, every day Globally by our, drilling and extracting the vital blood from the internal workings of Earth; those fossil fuels, and natural gases, and the Global Mining we are doing to the most abusive extreme; we are polluting the Air that is vital for our own existence, we are using in unprecedented quantities, Globally, insecticides, pesticides, fertilizers; and poisoning Mother Earth’s vital resources of Soil and Water; and we are poisoning our fruits, vegetables, fish and animals; our food source; what do You expect from Mother Nature, she Must respond with Unprecedented, Record Breaking, Historic, Human-Made Natural Disasters proportional to the Physical Assault, The Unprecedented Global Abuse, Misuse, and Pollution of Mother Earth; or Mother Earth will Die and All Life in, and on Earth will die with Her; including we Ignorant Human Beings. 

So Mother Nature Must do what is necessary; first to maintain the Life of Mother Earth, all other life is expendable in this endeavor, so we can expect great loss of Human Life and other Life in, on Mother Earth to occur until this rebalancing is complete and Earth’s Life is no longer in jeopardy. You may be surprised that we Ignorant Humans Beings are not the First Life Mother Nature is Mandated to Save; but it is Mother Earth’s Life.

Yes, Planet Earth is a Dynamic, Self-Developing Body, and a Soul Being, subject to all the forces that surround this celestial Planet, that of the Moon, Sun, Meteors, and the entire Milky Way Galaxy, and all Universes; it is also subject to its own changes of Self-Development and other Terrestrial Forces; such as those imposed by Mother Nature; however, they are Healthy, positive, creative forces that guide and complement Planet Earth’s Self-Development; it is the same as Our Human Body, and Soul Being, which is a Self-Developing Body subject to the Natural forces of our environment, and the food we eat, the air we breath, the water we drink; if we pollute and physically Abuse Our Body the consequences are obvious; poor health, chronic diseases; such as asthma, heart, kidney, and liver diseases, and of course, the most painful, and fatal of all, cancer. 

For the most part we can see that there is a direct analogy between Our Human Body and the Body of Mother Earth; and it is we Ignorant Humans that are Responsible for the poor Health, the Diseases, the Disasters of Both Bodies. When we stop abusing and polluting our own bodies we will stop Polluting and Abusing Mother Earth’s Body, all will return to the proper health of a Natural Self-Developing Body, and Mother Earth will be the Beautiful, Magnificent Healthy Paradise she was meant to be; sustaining, and maintaining Life in and on Her Body at the most Optimum Conditions for Longevity for all Life.

My Fellow Citizens of Planet Earth, if you can only begin to understand this Living Ecosystem of Mother Earth, and that we Ignorant Humans are totally and completely dependent on it Being Healthy and Vibrate; if you can only understand that it is we Ignorant Humans that are The Cause for Hurricane Sandy and All Past and Future Human-Made Natural Disaster; if we can start taking responsibility for the care, and stewardship of Mother Earth; if we Ignorant Humans can understand Mother Nature and Her Mandate, and Purpose, and start cooperating with her; we can reduce the severity of the Impeding Human-Made Natural Disasters that Must and will continue to occur until Mother Earth is Rebalanced to support and maintain her Life and all Life in, and on our Home Planet Earth. Hopefully; we Ignorant Humans, will Awaken to this reality and Immediately Start to Take The Necessary and Appropriate Actions NOW.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Thanksgiving Blessings

Thanksgiving Blessings:Thursday, November 24, 2011
Dear Reader;
I join you, your Family, and loved ones in Giving Thanks:
For: Our Good Health, which no amount of money can buy, and
no matter our state of health, their are those less fortunate.
For: The Family, Friends, Coworkers, Strangers, and Pets that
we share this lifetime with; who challenge us, confront us, conflict us, and comfort us, so that we may learn what Love is, and how to
Forgive; the two greatest virtues of God.
For: The Abundance of Air, Water, Sunshine (an unlimited source
of Energy), and the Food that sustains us all; thank you Mother Earth, and Mother Nature, without your goodness our lives, the lives of our loved ones, and all life would not survive. God Creates Abundance, man creates scarcity, so that he may profit unfairly from it.
For: The challenges we all face in our lives especially in this
New Aquarian Era where the challenges are occurring at an
accelerated pace, and will be more intense, more shocking, and
eventually more rewarding; some Challenges we will face together,
some are the ones we present to each other, some we must face
alone; the ones we must face alone teach us to go within ourselves,
and to discover we are never alone, for there is within each of us a
Godly Soul, the Spirit, and Essences of Our Creator, sitting in Our
Heart (the very same place our Love comes from); it has been there
since our birth; offering, but never insisting on, guiding our life
toward Health, Happiness, Prosperity, and a Loving Life; if you have
not been challenged yet in deep aloneness, and to go within, when it
happens do not be afraid, go with it, all the way; it is in that moment
of deep aloneness that one realizes their ignorances, and their
stupidity in not paying attention to, in not following those inner
feelings, those heartfelt feelings, those gut feelings, those precious
intuitions being offered to us daily from our Godly Soul. The most
widely known secret among Humanity is that we are Soul Beings, as
well as Human Beings.
For; understanding that In a society where Money is given the
highest status, and it is how we often measure another persons value; isn’t it ironic that the two Greatest Blessings we all hold most dearest, and most highest in our lives is “Good Health,” and “Love at Our Soul Level of Being”; neither of which can be bought nor valued in dollars.
For; allowing me to join you, your family, and loved ones in
Giving Thanks to God; we may have different ways of praying,
different houses of worship, rituals, and beliefs about the path to
God; but I know this absolutely, that all paths lead to One God, One
Creator, One People, One Love, and One Life that each us share with
one another.
For; sharing this lifetime with you, for all the challenges we
share, for the lessons we teach each other, but most of all for the
Love we all share together, realized or unrealized.
For: Understanding that when we express our Love Freely, Truly,
and Unconditionally without restrictions or conditions, and without
fearing we may be hurt if that Love is not returned; if we do not expect or want anything from the receiver of our Love, we can never be hurt; instead we will receive, and experience True Happiness. And, for understanding that when we Forgive; and only we know whom we need to ask for, or give Forgiveness to, be they Family, Friend or Foe, living or deceased, close or far away; Forgiveness is an act of Love, it frees our Heart to Love more, and to receive more Love; to bathe in the Joy, Health, and Happiness that we will immediately receive, and experience, when we Forgive someone.
For; Understanding that to learn to Love, Freely, Truly, and
Unconditionally is one of our Greatest challenges; Love is so
complex; we Love ourselves, we Love God; we Love music, art, and
literature; we Love intimately, we Love romantically, we Love
physically; we Love at a distance, and vicariously; we Love family,
friends, and strangers; we Love our pets; we Love our job, our car,
our computer; we Love food; we Love Money; we Love a beautiful
day; ... all this we call Love. What do they all have in common? They
all give us something we need, want, or desire; thus, Love is an act of giving to, or receiving from another, something that they or we need, want, or desire, Freely, Truly, and Unconditionally. That something is physical, emotional, and / or metaphysical; such as a Soulmate; where we share our Soul with another, our union with that person, or animal is so deep, it is at another level, the Soul level of Being.
For; understanding that Love is God’s first lesson for
Happiness; it is God’s greatest virtue; to embrace, and live this virtue in our daily lives as God does, is to Love Freely, Truly, and
Unconditionally, and to express the Highest Aspect, and most Godly
Aspect of our Being. Each one of us is a unique, one of a kind entity
in this Creation, therefore, we may not experience Love, or Happiness in the same way, one person’s Happiness or Love may not be another person’s Happiness or Love; this is part of its complexity. However, to the extent that we can share, and express Love in our lives is proportionate to the Happiness we will experience in our lives. We know this is true from our own experiences; when we have given or received Love, we have also felt the happiness for giving or receiving that Love; Isn’t that True? To Love, and Be Loved is One of God’s Greatest Blessings; what would our life be like without any Love? The Love in our lives, especially that of another Human Being, is what we need to be Most Thankful For.
For; understanding that all of life can be reduced to Love - we
need to ask ourselves about all the somethings in our life that have
made us happy; getting new cloths, going to school, learning
something that amazed us, our Mom’s and Dad’s hugs, kisses, and
gifts, receiving money, our girlfriend or boyfriend, our wife, husband, and children, a friend, a new job, a new car, a new home, a new computer, etc. etc.; all that happiness in our lives was, and is, the results of giving, and receiving Love; that is, they all represent that something in our life, that satisfied our need, want, or desire;
physically, emotionally, and or metaphysically; so Life is Love; Every thing we do in life is to give or receive Love; knowing this allows us to live a more enriched, meaningful, purposeful, and fulfilling life; When We Give Love to Whatever We Do, We Get Happiness From Whatever Love We Give, Understanding this is God’s Gift to us, Living it daily is God’s greatest blessing to us . . . Thank You God.
I Love You All; I am Honored, and Very Thankful that we have been
connected in this lifetime, although I believe we have been together in previous lifetimes, and probably will be together in future lifetimes. Whether we realize or not, we have helped each other learn the lessons of Love, and Forgiveness; to the degree that we have allowed ourselves to Forgive, and Love Freely, Truly, and Unconditionally, we have experienced True Happiness together . . .That is Thanksgiving.
As you are completing this reading, I hope you are feeling the Love I
am giving you, and the Happiness we are sharing at this moment ...
Freely, Truly, and Unconditionally . . . Jack

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Pending Natural Disasters Worldwide

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Open Letter to All World Leaders of Countries, Small, and Large, To the Secretary-General of The United Nations, and The General Assembly, and to All Citizens of Planet Earth.

Re: Pending Natural Disasters Worldwide;

Natural Disasters are the results of Mother Nature’s Mandate to keep all conditions on Planet Earth at their optimum for Life in, of, and on Mother Earth to survive and thrive. Yes, Mother Earth is a Living Being with a Soul. Mother Nature is a Living Being with a Soul also; and Mother Nature has all the forces of nature (Rain, Wind, Pressure, Temperature, etc) at her command; we commonly call these forces our weather.

Although, Mother Earth as a Living Being is in a dynamic state of change responding to all forces within her body and throughout the Universe in a constant effort to fulfill her purpose in this Creation; most changes are non-disruptive, and offer no serious threat to its life and the lives it supports. However, when forces present themselves that threaten Mother Earth’s Existence, and the lives, and purpose it supports, then as history bears witness, radical, devastating, and transforming changes can, and will occur.  

We are at such a time in history where Mother Earth’s Life and the lives that she supports are at an extremely high level of threat for extinction.

We Humans have created this extreme threat to the very existence of Mother Earth, and  all species of life, including Humans, and we are threatening our own existence.

We are now Drilling for Oil/Gas in the Antarctica, in the Ocean’s Seabeds, and doing Extreme Drilling for Oil/Gas everywhere in The World. Extreme Mining is also taking place everywhere in The World (we are cutting down Mountains Tops, and forever changing the topography of Earth). Extreme Pollution is being experienced at record levels everywhere in The World. Our Oceans, Rivers, and Lakes, whether above ground or underground are so polluted they can longer support the aquatic life, and Human Life that is dependent upon it - fish, and other aquatic creatures are mutating, or carrying poisons in their flesh making them unfit as a food source, or they are dying off silently, and without any obituary in the press. The Whales, Dolphins, and Sharks are all giving us warnings; sadly, we are ignorant of their intelligence.

Many Governments have no or very few laws to monitor or control pollution; and others like the United States have been relaxing or not enforcing anti-pollution laws, for the past thirteen years, now under two different presidential administrations.

These Extreme threats we Humans are creating whether in China, Russia, India, Brazil, or the United States affects all Citizens of Planet Earth no matter where they live.

Mother Nature Must, and Is Responding to these threats as it is her mandated responsibility to re-balance, and maintain the Optimum Conditions for Mother Earth’s Life, and all Life in, on, and of Planet Earth.

All Citizens of Planet Earth must pay attention daily to all weather conditions, and  Natural Disasters, both locally, and worldwide to understand, and properly assess Mother Nature’s response, and how it will impact their lives, and the lives of their loved ones.

Mother Earth has entered into a New Phase of Transformation as a result of The Outrageous Human Assault upon every aspect of her body (land, sea, and air). The weather patterns throughout the World are changing, they are becoming more Extreme, and with Extreme, Record Breaking Storms, and Conditions never before experienced or recorded, and they are occurring more frequently everywhere in the World.
 2011,Feb 22, Christchurch, New Zealand, lay in ruins after a magnitude 6.3 earthquake   
 2011,Mar 11, A ferocious tsunami spawned by an 8.9 earthquake, one of the largest ever recorded, slammed Japan's eastern coast. Some 14,300 were confirmed dead with 12,000 still missing..
 2011, Apr 4, Myanmar reported that nearly 700 fishermen were missing after a three-day burst of unseasonable storms 
 2011, Apr 6, The United Nations said 62 people have been killed and thousands forced from their homes since the start of the year by flooding in northern Namibia 
 2011, Apr 17, A furious storm system that kicked up tornadoes, flash floods and hail as big as softballs has left at least 40 people dead on a rampage that stretched for days as it barreled from Oklahoma to North Carolina and Virginia. 11 people were confirmed dead in Bertie County, NC, bringing the state's death toll to at least 18 people. Authorities have said 7 died in Arkansas; 7 in Alabama; 2 in Oklahoma; one in Mississippi and at least 5 in Virginia. 
 2011, Apr 27, Dozens of tornadoes spawned by a powerful storm system wiped out neighborhoods across a wide swath of the South, killing at least 214 people in the deadliest outbreak in nearly 40 years. Alabama had 131 deaths, 32 in Mississippi, 29 in Tennessee, 13 in Georgia, 8 in Virginia and one in Kentucky.

If one looks at the timeline of Natural Disasters it becomes obvious that their frequency, and severity have increased extremely in 2010, and especial in 2011, which still has four months till year end.

Mother Earth’s Transformation will continue at a rapid pace in proportion to the Extreme Drilling, Mining, and Pollution that it is experiencing. Islands will disappear, coastlines will vanish, farmlands will become flooded or wastelands, cold climate areas will become warm, and warm climate areas will become cold; one could image the catastrophic devastation this will cause worldwide, no one will be spared the effects of these events.

It is inevitable that we will see, and experience massive destruction, and deaths, even though Mother Nature will do her best to spare, and preserve lives (as she has shown in so many disasters like tornadoes, where total destruction of entire towns occurred, but, only a few deaths) However, the life of the greater (Mother Earth) will outweigh the lives of the lesser (humans,animals, plants, etc.) and hundreds, thousands, and millions will perish.

We Must Learn to Respect the Life of Mother Earth, and to Respect the Power, and Purpose of Mother Nature. We Must Immediately Cooperate with Mother Nature and assist in the re-balancing, and maintaining the optimum conditions for the Life of Mother Earth and all Lives on, in, and of Mother Earth, and of course, that includes our own survival, and existence.

I call upon The United Nations to Immediately Convene a Meeting of All the Leaders of the Countries of the World, Small, and Large, and to Immediately call for, and Enforce a Worldwide Indefinite Moratorium on: 

I call upon all Citizens of Planet Earth to Petition the United Nations to have this Meeting, and to Petition their Government Leaders to attend this Meeting.

We Must Immediately stop the threat we are causing to Mother Earth’s Life, and the lives of all Human Beings; and We Must work in accord with Mother Nature. 

We may have years to reverse our disastrous fate, we do not have decades, or centuries. Mother Nature Must, and Will continue her re-balancing, and Natural Disasters will continue, but if we take action NOW, instead of Natural Disasters increasing in Extreme, and Frequency, they will diminish until we have re-established the optimum conditions necessary to support the Life of Mother Earth, and all that live on, in, and of Her.

A Concerned Citizen of Planet Earth;

Respectfully Yours,

Jack OdinSky-Od