Monday, November 19, 2012

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

To All Citizens of Planet Earth:

By: Jack OdinSky-Od

Questions, Concerns, Comments:


Post Hurricane Sandy; an Unprecedented, Record Breaking, Super-storm of the Century; as it is being described in the news media; and with all the news about it asking what can be done to protect the infrastructure of the city, what technology can we use to reduce the damage and destruction of Natural Disasters?

That my fellow Citizens of Earth is the Wrong question; the correct inquiry is, what are the causes that precipitate these disasters, and can we Humans do anything to reduce or eliminate these causes, and reduce and eliminate their consequences?

I shall try to give a rational answer to this question and hope those reading this essay will be awakened to the reality of The Living Ecosystem of Planet Earth, and all Life in, and on Earth; including we Human Beings.

When I use the term Ignorant Human (Being) I am referring to all Human Beings on Planet Earth that are in denial of their relationship, and interdependence, and their very existence on Mother Earth and its well being. There are many who understand this and have been for years trying to influence the powers that be to change ... but they are too few, and not united to be a meaningful force for change. When I use capital letters it is to get your attention and to communicate the urgency I feel for this matter. 

Please understand this:
The Body of Earth is a Living Being, and is very much like Your Body, so try and relate to this information in terms of Your Own Body; it has an external covering of Rock, Soil, and Water, and internal organs; its core, plates, and Blood (hydraulic fluid, we Humans call fossil fuel); yes, this is an oversimplification of the Body of Earth, but enough for trying to understand its Ecosystem, and our relationship and interdependence on it.

Ecosystems are concerned with the relation of living organism to one another and their physical surroundings; they are a biological community of interacting organisms and the physical environment.

The purpose of an Ecosystem is to provide the optimum conditions for its inhabitants to sustain and maintain their life, and Self-Development; and the Living Ecosystem of Mother Earth (yes, Mother Earth refers to Earth’s Mothering ability to nourish and sustain Life) is a mosaic of diversity we Humans are an integral part of; yet, we seem to be completely ignorant of our life support and vital dependence on the trillions of life forms such as viruses, bacteria, insects, plants, animals and Earth itself that are absolutely necessary for our very existence as Human Beings.

Weather, the common term used by we Humans in describing the inconveniences it might pose to our daily activities. However, Weather (the state of the atmosphere at a place and time as regards to heat, dryness, sunshine, wind, rain, etc.) is a vital part of our Ecosystem; and comes under the domain we affectionately call Mother Nature; Mother Nature’s Mandate by the Creator is to sustain and maintain the Life of Planet Earth and all Life in, and on Earth, including the Life of Human Beings. Mother Nature controls the Wind, Precipitation, Pressure, Clouds, etc.;Volcanic Eruptions, Hurricanes, Earthquakes, Tornadoes, Blizzards, Floods, and all those devastating Natural Disasters we Ignorant Humans endure.

What we Ignorant Humans do not understand is that Mother Nature is manifesting and controlling these Disasters only to the extent necessary to rebalance and reestablish the necessary, and optimum conditions for Mother Earth and all Life in, and on Earth, including we Human Beings; so that we may survive the destruction and pollution we are perpetrating upon Mother Earth; the Air, Water, and Soil are on the verge of ultimate collapse, and unable to support any Life; we are literally killing Mother Earth, every day Globally by our, drilling and extracting the vital blood from the internal workings of Earth; those fossil fuels, and natural gases, and the Global Mining we are doing to the most abusive extreme; we are polluting the Air that is vital for our own existence, we are using in unprecedented quantities, Globally, insecticides, pesticides, fertilizers; and poisoning Mother Earth’s vital resources of Soil and Water; and we are poisoning our fruits, vegetables, fish and animals; our food source; what do You expect from Mother Nature, she Must respond with Unprecedented, Record Breaking, Historic, Human-Made Natural Disasters proportional to the Physical Assault, The Unprecedented Global Abuse, Misuse, and Pollution of Mother Earth; or Mother Earth will Die and All Life in, and on Earth will die with Her; including we Ignorant Human Beings. 

So Mother Nature Must do what is necessary; first to maintain the Life of Mother Earth, all other life is expendable in this endeavor, so we can expect great loss of Human Life and other Life in, on Mother Earth to occur until this rebalancing is complete and Earth’s Life is no longer in jeopardy. You may be surprised that we Ignorant Humans Beings are not the First Life Mother Nature is Mandated to Save; but it is Mother Earth’s Life.

Yes, Planet Earth is a Dynamic, Self-Developing Body, and a Soul Being, subject to all the forces that surround this celestial Planet, that of the Moon, Sun, Meteors, and the entire Milky Way Galaxy, and all Universes; it is also subject to its own changes of Self-Development and other Terrestrial Forces; such as those imposed by Mother Nature; however, they are Healthy, positive, creative forces that guide and complement Planet Earth’s Self-Development; it is the same as Our Human Body, and Soul Being, which is a Self-Developing Body subject to the Natural forces of our environment, and the food we eat, the air we breath, the water we drink; if we pollute and physically Abuse Our Body the consequences are obvious; poor health, chronic diseases; such as asthma, heart, kidney, and liver diseases, and of course, the most painful, and fatal of all, cancer. 

For the most part we can see that there is a direct analogy between Our Human Body and the Body of Mother Earth; and it is we Ignorant Humans that are Responsible for the poor Health, the Diseases, the Disasters of Both Bodies. When we stop abusing and polluting our own bodies we will stop Polluting and Abusing Mother Earth’s Body, all will return to the proper health of a Natural Self-Developing Body, and Mother Earth will be the Beautiful, Magnificent Healthy Paradise she was meant to be; sustaining, and maintaining Life in and on Her Body at the most Optimum Conditions for Longevity for all Life.

My Fellow Citizens of Planet Earth, if you can only begin to understand this Living Ecosystem of Mother Earth, and that we Ignorant Humans are totally and completely dependent on it Being Healthy and Vibrate; if you can only understand that it is we Ignorant Humans that are The Cause for Hurricane Sandy and All Past and Future Human-Made Natural Disaster; if we can start taking responsibility for the care, and stewardship of Mother Earth; if we Ignorant Humans can understand Mother Nature and Her Mandate, and Purpose, and start cooperating with her; we can reduce the severity of the Impeding Human-Made Natural Disasters that Must and will continue to occur until Mother Earth is Rebalanced to support and maintain her Life and all Life in, and on our Home Planet Earth. Hopefully; we Ignorant Humans, will Awaken to this reality and Immediately Start to Take The Necessary and Appropriate Actions NOW.

Even if we Take Action Now we can expect Many More Unprecedented, Record Breaking, Super-storms of the Century, Volcanic Eruptions, Hurricanes, Earthquakes, Tornadoes, Blizzards, Floods: I dare say we will have some Earthquakes that will register 10 to 12 on the Richter scale, some with and some  without Catastrophic Tsunamis; they may occur within the next six months and for several years; the areas most likely for the epicenter to be in, will be in the US: Virginia to Massachusetts on the East Coast with a massive tsunami in the Atlantic Ocean; Alaska to Russia, massive tsunami in the Arctic, North Pacific Oceans or the Bering Sea: California to Oregon, with massive tsunami in the Pacific Ocean;  Gulf of Mexico within Louisiana, a massive tsunami in the Gulf of Mexico; in the Americas; Brazil, Chile, Ecuador; and many areas in Canada; and in China; Beijing or Shanghai, a massive tsunami in the China Sea; in Europe; Russia,Turkey: and in the MiddleEast; Saudi Arabia, Du Bai; in Africa: South Africa, Nigeria; and in Australia, many coastal areas; just to mention a few of the most vulnerable areas on Earth that we will experience Impending Unprecedented, Record Breaking, Historic, Human-Made Natural Disasters. Many will perish but many more will survive, but Life will be changed for all;  If you have forgotten let me remind you of The 9.6 Earthquake that Our Fellow Citizens of Planet Earth in Japan experienced, it shifted the Earth’s Axis 6 degrees; and triggered a massive devastating tsunami, with massive casualties, and a nuclear event of which the long term consequences are yet to be revealed and understood.These are the Consequences for Doing Nothing. Is this too frightening to accept? You may choose to remain in denial, but that will not change the reality you will experience; and you may wish to label me an Alarmist, a Crank, an Extremist and a threat to the Dream Life that you are now enjoying. However, I feel a deep and compelling responsibility to share these insights and information with all who will benefit from it, and become Awakened to this Most Urgent Matter. Stay Calm, Our Lives must Continue, but with a Greater Awareness, and Concern, and a Call for Remedial Action Now. Be Prepared, and Be Ready (visit: for Your Safety and The Safety of Your Loved Ones may be Challenged, your Nation, State, City, and Neighbor may be next to experience a Human-Made Natural Disaster.

Someone asked me, where is a safe place to live? My answer was, I do not know, all of Planet Earth is vulnerable to the consequences of the Impending Human-Made Natural Disasters; however, some areas are definitely more vulnerable than others.

Some will ask; How do you know this? I know it from the factual data the Oil Companies, Natural Gas Companies, and Mining Companies, and Governmental Agencies Globally are providing to us: Where, When, and How they are inflicting their extreme assault and devastation upon Planet Earth is available for anyone interested to know.  And, with this information, one needs only to know, understand, and believe Mother Nature’s Mandate; to rationally conclude the possible Unprecedented Disasters that will, and Must occur. For the skeptics and nonbelievers; who may ask where is the proof? I will only say to you the proof is in the next Unprecedented, Record Breaking, Human-Made Natural Disaster that will probably occur within the next six months. Stay Calm, Our Lives must Continue, but with a Greater Awareness, and Concern, and a Call for Remedial Action Now. Be Prepared, and Be Ready (visit: for Your Safety and The Safety of Your Loved Ones may be Challenged, your Nation, State, City, and Neighbor may be next to experience a Human-Made Natural Disaster.  Remember it is Always Best to Err on the side of Caution.

I challenge The Best Minds of the Scientific Community, Any, and All Governmental Agencies, Wall Street and Any, and All Financial Executives, and
any, and all Skeptics to provide evidence that Human Life or any Life can or will be able to exist in the Physical Realm of the World in which we Live without a Healthy, Vibrate Mother Earth and its Living EcoSystem.

What can We Awakened Humans, the Citizens of Mother Earth Do?

We Must Act, and Act NOW;

I here propose some Actions that each of You should take NOW;

1. Forward this essay with your comments to all your family, friends, and colleagues.
2. Start a meaningful dialogue with all whom show any interest.
3. Forward this essay with your comments to all local, national, and international News Media, 
4. Forward this essay with your comments to your local, national political representatives.
5. Forward this essay with your comments, as a Citizen of Planet Earth; to The United Nations, and all Government Leaders Globally.
6. Blog, Tweet, and use Facebook to get a serious dialogue going, and encourage others to Take Action Now.
7. Be Creative, come up with possible solutions on how we can change our need and use of Fossil Fuels; Oil, Natural Gas, and Coal; and in effect reduce and eliminate all use of Fossil Fuels in an Orderly, Systematic Process that will NOT, Negatively Impact Our Economy or The Global Economy; and can be implemented Immediately with resources currently available Globally. This Must Be a Global Initiative; All Nations without exception Must Act NOW.
8. Demand That a Global International Committee Be Formed of Government Leaders, Scientist, Indigenous People, Environmental Activist, and Financial and Business Leaders especially from Energy, Petro-Agri-Chemical, and Utilities companies, and Most Importantly Wall Street and the Financial Community Executives.
 9. If you have any questions, any uncertainties please contact me at:

I will NOW offer my possible solution on how we can change our need and use of Fossil Fuels; Oil, Natural Gas, and Coal; and, in fact, reduce and eliminate all use of Fossil Fuels in an Orderly, Systematic Process that will NOT Negatively Impact Any Local Economy or The Global Economy; and can be implemented Immediately with resources currently available Globally.

My Criteria for a Replacement Fuel is that it is: Eco-friendly, Biodegradable, Renewable, Reliable and Globally Available Equally to All Nations; This Must Be a Globally Cooperative and Equitable Process.

There is Only One Fuel that is eternally, and absolute reliable, and a Global Source of Fuel, that all Nations can access without dependence or reliance on any other nation;

That Fuel Is Solar Fuel. The Sun is the most reliable source of fuel and it is eternally perpetuating, available to all Nations equally, is Eco-friendly, Biodegradable, Renewable, Reliable and it is Free, and that is the Problem, it is Free; this factor alone has been and remains the single obstacle in its Global acceptance.

Yes, there are other alternative Fuels; Wind, Biomass, etc; but each have serious disadvantages, and are less reliable when compared to Solar. We need to have a Globally focused Goal using the Best Minds in Government, Business, Finance, Science, Technology, Social Entrepreneurship, and Concerned Citizen of The World, to focus on One Fuel, and One Energy System for an Immediate Global Solution. The Goal, and Urgency is to Reduce and Eliminate all use of Fossil Fuels in an Orderly, Systematic Process that will NOT Negatively Impact Any Local Economy or The Global Economy, this Must Done As Soon As Possible; and MUST be implemented Immediately with resources currently available Globally, to Reduce The Impeding Human-Made Natural Disasters that Must and Will continue to occur until we help Mother Nature Rebalance Our Home Planet Earth; and this Must Be Accomplished before it is too late to reverse the trend, or Life of Earth and All Life in and on Earth will cease to exist within our lifetime.

My proposal will remove the obstacle of a Free Fuel (Solar), so that it presents no Economic Threat to Wall Street and Financial Institutions, the Energy, the Petro-Agri-Chemical, and Utilities companies internationally: and will NOT have any Local or Global NEGATIVE, Economic Impact; and for the ordinary Citizen it should not be Your Job or Your Life. Everything Must take place Locally, and Globally simultaneously. 

 Hurricane Sandy has shown us how obsolete, antiquated, and vulnerable a National Grid System is; we need a Decentralized System, Why should millions of Households, and Businesses lose essential services; electric, heat, phone, and water? Why should a Community of millions of Citizens in one of the worlds most developed cities, New York City, Suffer a Major disruption of their social, economic functions that imperils their lives and livelihood? Why?

I propose:

1. That a Global International Committee of Government Leaders, Scientist, Indigenous People, Environmental Activist, and Financial and Business Leaders especially from Energy, Petro-Agri-Chemical, and Utilities companies, and Most Importantly Wall Street and the Financial Community Executives. Immediately organize and work with each nation Globally to divide that Nation into an International Utility Zone. A local Utility company that currently exist or is established will have complete responsibility for that specific zone to; design, install, maintain, and upgrade each Physical Building Entity in that zone with a Individual Solar Fuel System that satisfies that entities needs for Electric, Heat, Cooling etc., according to the Absolute Compliance of The Global International Committee’s Standards. The Utility and its stakeholders will be compensated according to the current monthly charge that that entity is being charged for fuel usage; however, now the charge will be a monthly rental fee, this will maintain the economic stability of both The Utility Company, and the Individual Consumer. The Utility will own the Solar System and be responsible for its upgrades as new and more efficient systems become available with Standards from the Global International Committee; Wall Street and Local Financial Institutions will establish the Best means for Equitable Financing of these Systems.(We can start NOW with the current Best Available Materials and Solar Systems, even though they do not meet the Standards that future Systems Must meet) (This will be a Local Economic Boom and will create Mass Employment, and satisfy all stakeholders)
2. The Utility company will subcontract out the installation to qualified local construction contractors. (This will be a Local Economic Boom and will create Mass Employment, and satisfy all stakeholders) Realize that Thousands of Thousands of Physical Buildings Globally will need to have a Solar System Installed.
3. The Utility company can only buy it’s Solar Systems from a Local Authorized Eco-Bio- Chemical Company (formerly Petro-Agri-Chemical) whose responsibility it is to manufacture the components of these Solar Systems from Eco-friendly, Biodegradable, Renewable material purchased from the Local Eco-Bio-Renewable Energy Companies that have the responsibility to research and develop natural resources for materials that are Eco-friendly, Biodegradable, Renewable, Reliable, and to supply the Eco-Bio-Chemical Company in compliance with The Global International Committee’s Standards. Eventually, this will expand to all Manufacturing and Industries Globally (This will be a Local, and Global Economic Boom and will create Mass Employment, and satisfy all stakeholders)
4. Wall Street and All Financial Institutions Globally, Must change their Ideology, Mission Statement, and Goal from; Greed is Good, to Sustainable, and Reliable is Better, to a Healthy, Vibrate Planet Earth, and a Booming Global Economy is BEST.

That is the basics of a possible solution that will meet all the criteria stated above and will definitely NOT have any Local or Global NEGATIVE Economic Impact; but, in fact will create a Local and Global Economic Boom; and instead of Unprecedented, Record Breaking, Super-storm of the Century; The World will have Unprecedented, Record Breaking, Employment and Economic Prosperity of the Century; on a Planet Earth that is a Beautiful, Magnificent, and Healthy Paradise; capable of nourishing, sustaining, maintaining Life in, and on her Body as a Mother should; for all Citizens of Planet Earth.
This is a Win, Win, Win situation; Mother Earth Wins, Citizens of Planet Earth Win, Wall Street Wins.

Citizens of Planet Earth, no matter where you live, no matter what your socio-economic status, no matter what your educational background, you are a vital and absolute, integral part of Mother Earth; I sincerely believe it will take all Citizens of Planet Earth Collectively to Demand and Provide the Political Will and the Mass People Power to get the World Leaders, of Governments, Business, Finance, and Industrial Complexes to ACT on this Urgent Matter, and ACT NOW; please don’t think you have No say in this matter, you absolutely Do ... so take your share of the responsibility and ACT NOW.

No, this cannot wait until tomorrow; it is my understanding that we Must make significant progress, by 2020, before it is too late to reverse the trend of literally killing Mother Earth. Every day Globally we are; drilling and extracting the vital blood from the internal workings of Earth; those fossil fuels, and natural gases; and we are Globally Mining to the most abusive extreme; the direct consequences are that the Life of Earth, and All Life in, and on Earth will cease to exist; we Must Immediately help Mother Nature Rebalance Our Home Planet Earth, and thereby Reduce The Impeding Human-Made Natural Disasters that Must and Will continue to occur until Planet Earth is rebalanced to a state of health.

ACT NOW . . . It is a Matter of Life or Death; yours, mine, and Planet Earth. 
However, Stay Calm, Our Lives must Continue, but with a Greater Awareness, and Concern, and a Call for Remedial Action Now. Be Prepared, and Be Ready (visit: for Your Safety and The Safety of Your Loved Ones may be Challenged, your Nation, State, City, and Neighbor may be next to experience a Human-Made Natural Disaster.

Questions, Concerns, Comments:

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