Saturday, June 22, 2013

Holophotons- God Particles- The Stem-Cells of Creation ...

Friday, July 2, 2010

Holophotons- God Particles- The Stem-Cells of Creation ...

By: Jack OdinSky-Od 
January 13, 2000

     Is There a Theory of Everything that can support Holophotons- God Particles, as The Stem-Cells of Creation? 
      The purpose of this essay is to initiate, and perpetuate a serious discussion of a perplexing, yet, a fascinating, and demanding subject: Is there a unifying substance, energy, or essence in everything in creation that is shared by all of creation; and, without this unifying essence, creation would not exist?
Is there, in fact, a Unified Field of Everything, the essence of which is all of Creation, and all that exists within it? In other words, is there ONE thing that we all share, all humans, all animals, all minerals, all plants, all planets, all stars, all galaxies, all universes, all space, and therefore, all ofCreation?
     I will begin by stating the OdinSky-Od's Unified Field of Everything Theory:

     1. The substance, energy, and essence that exists within all matter, within all space throughout Creation, and is absolutely essential for its existence, is a Holophoton.
     2. A Holophoton is the most basic, elemental substance of Creation, and cannot be reduced into a more basic form, but forms the essences of all known, and unknown particles, atoms, molecules, and "empty space" that makes up the universe we know, and all of Creation known, and unknown, visible, and invisible. An essential aspect of the Holophoton isEnergy; and Energy is an essential aspect of all CreationEnergy can only exist as an aspect of Holophotons. and is required for the HoloPhotons to vibrate. Black Holes, are the Energy of Non-Vibrating- Holophoton Particles, nothing exists in Black Holes but The Stem-Cells of Creation, these Non-Vibrating Holophoton Particles (God Particles)(, and when these Particles start to vibrate The Visible-Invisible-Light-Energy, the energy of Vibrating-Wave-Holophotons are Formed.
    3. The properties of a Holophoton are: invisible to the human eye, massless, travels in vacuum at speed of light, has an energy of 4 x10-19 joules for visible light, cannot be destroyed nor created, but may be transformed into other particles and energy forms, exists as a particle and a wave, can carry momentum and has a polarization, responsible for producing all electric and magnetic fields, is naturally be transformed into electrons, is the essence of visible light, has various vibrations and various frequencies when in the wave phase. Holophotons are whole, and complete entities as particles, and are the basis of all holograms.
     4. In its wave phase a Holophoton is a Vibrating-Frequency-Holophoton, and depending on its vibrating frequency, it is creating subatomic particles, and atoms; and depending on their vibrating frequencies, they are creating molecules, which are creating matter, and The Physical World  of Forms and Space we live in; all are holograms.
     5. Holophotons (God Particles) in their particle phase are the Stem-Cells that form the body of CreationThe Stem- Cells of Creation. They do not have motion, they are stationary and fixed in space, but support motion by their vibrating frequency and energy. From these vibrating Stem-Cells (Vibrating-Holophotons) come all Light, all Sound, all Matter, all Forms of Life, and all of Creation.
     6. The Physical World with its Trillions of Forms has Trillions of vibrating-frequencies representing each Form; however, at the very essence of each of these Forms are vibrating Holophotons with fewer vibrational frequencies. As the Form becomes more complex, that is Holophotons to atoms to molecules, to cells, plants, microbes, insects, animals, minerals, Humans, Planets, etc. The more vibrational-frequencies are required to create that Form; and as the Form become simpler the fewer vibrational frequencies are required until there are no vibrations, and the Holophotons are non-vibrating particles in Black Holes, The Stem-Cells of Creation, and the Cells of The Body of The Creator.
     7. When it is said Mars or Jupiter is "X-light years" away; what is really meant is that Mars or Jupiter is "X- Wavelengths" away. As we have learned to tune into the different Wavelengths of frequencies for our favorite TV shows, we will learn how to tune in (travel) to our favorite planets. Pick a Wavelength, and ride it to where you want to be.
     8. The Unified Field of Everything is the Body of CreationThe Unifier is the Holophoton (God Particle). The Theory is that the essence, the elemental entity of Creation, and all that is of it, all that is within it, all share, and cannot exist without, The Stem-Cell of Creation, the Holophoton. From the Greek Holo = whole, Photon = light. Holophoton = Whole Light.
     9. There are as many dimensions to our Universe, to our Creation, as there are wavelengths of Vibrating-Frequencies of Holophotons. Dimensions of Forms are a product of the wavelength of the Vibrating-Frequency Holophotons that created that Form. The most important dimension is the invisible dimension of Thoughts, the dimension ofMind, the dimension of Holophotons.
     10. The empty space between Holophotons in Our Universe, theCreation is the same empty space between the cells in a Human Body. AllHolophotons whether as particle (God Particle) or wave are whole, and complete. They are not dependent for their existence on any other entity and my transform into or exist as any Energy-Form, visible or invisible that can potentially exist or does exist in Creation.
     11. All Holophotons, and all Energy-Forms display motion, or movement in the same manner that a series of light bulbs do that are sequentially lighting. That is to say, when traveling from point A to point B it appears as a single bulb is moving; when in fact, there are several stationary bulbs sequentially lighting, which gives the appearance of movement. All Energy-Forms in Creation including Human Beings actually travel on a sequential wavelength of Vibrating-Frequency-Holophotons, which give the appearance we have gone from point A (New York) to Point B (Washington), when in fact, our wavelength of specific Vibrating-Frequency Holophotons are sequentially activating other Holophotons along the wavelength from point A (New York) to point B (Washington) no matter what Energy-Form (Car, Train, Bus) we choose to ride in. We must remember that Our Universe, and the Creation is a Body of Particles (non-vibrating), and wave (vibrating) Holophotons, all are stationary in space, they support momentum, but do not move.
     12. Holophotons are the basis for the science of Holography. This science is devoted to using light (Vibrating-Frequency-Holophotons) for producing holograms, a three dimensional photograph. According to Wikipedia; “ the technique of holography can also be used to optically store, retrieve, and process information.” We need to consider Holophotons as whole, and complete entities of the Body ofCreation; and contains all the information of Creation, all the Natural Laws, which govern its existence, as it creates all the Energy-Forms of Our Universe, and of Creation. This is not hard to understand, and is supported by the science of Holography. Another way of understanding this is to consider what Thoughts do; Thoughts carry information to, from, and within Our Brain; and Thoughts can do this because they are specific Vibrating-Frequency-Holophotons.
     13. Scientist have recently discovered that all cells, all tissues, and all organs of the Human Body start out as, and are created by Stem-Cells, which contain the necessary information to create any cell within the Human Body. What they haven’t discovered yet is that all Stem-Cells start out as, and are created by specific Vibrating-Frequency-Holophotons, which contain all the necessary information to create anyEnergy-Form within CreationSince each Holophoton(God Particle) contains within it all the information of the entire Creation. This is The OdinSky-Od's Theory of The Unified Field of Everything 
Copyright 2000-2010, Jack OdinSky-Od, a/k/a Jack OdinSky. All rights reserved.

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